How Manjeri Skincare and CleanHub Are Turning the Tide on Plastic Pollution
At Manjeri Skincare, we believe that taking care of our skin means taking care of our planet. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce our latest step in our sustainability journey—a...
The Glow Report
Loofah Care 101: How to Clean and Keep Your Loofah Fresh, Bacteria-Free
Loofahs and other bath tools are essential for effective exfoliation and maintaining soft, glowing skin. However, without proper cleaning and care, these tools can harbor...
Body Oil vs. Body Lotion: Which Is Best for Your Skin?
When it comes to skincare, moisturizing is essential for maintaining soft, supple skin. But with so many options available, choosing between body oil and body...
Our Latest Collaboration is at The Sistah Shop in Atlanta, GA!
Hello, trendsetters and beauty enthusiasts! We have thrilling news to share: Manjeri Skincare is now available at The Sistah Shop in Atlanta, Imagine a bustling...